Windmill Dashboard React

Windmill Dashboard React

Template information


This is a complete application, built on top of React, with all tiny details taken care of so you just need to bring the data to feed it.

Github Info
17 open issues
576 stars
12 watching
103 forks
High resolution
Well documented
100% accessible
Dark theme enabled
Code splitting
Last updated

About the template

Windmill Dashboard React is not a template. It is a complete application built on top of React just waiting for you to connect your data.

Accessibility was a priority when building this application. As such, it was developed listening to real screen readers and focus traps, and keyboard navigations are available everywhere.


  • 🦮 100% accessible (developed using screen readers)
  • 🌗 Dark theme enabled (load even different images based on theme)
  • 🧩 Multiple (custom) components
  • âš¡ Code splitting
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Windmill React UI
  • React Router
  • Heroicons
  • Chart.js
  • PWA delivering offline-first and an app-like experience
Windmill Dashboard React is built on top of Windmill React UI. You will find the documentation for every small component there.

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