Tailwind Stamps

Tailwind Stamps

Kit information


Tailwind Stamps is a free and open-source collection of reusable Tailwind CSS application UI components and elements built with HTML.

Github Info
0 open issues
2 stars
1 watching
0 forks
free & open-source
Copy-paste ready
Fully responsive
Easy to customize
Last updated

About the kit

Tailwind Stamps is a free and open-source collection of reusable UI components that can be used in a variety of web applications. It provides simple, stylish, and customizable elements for the most common application UI use cases. The library includes components such as headers, alerts, navbars, cards, and much more.

All of the components are built with HTML and the default utility classes provided by Tailwind CSS. Additionally, the interactive components are built with Alpine.js so the components are truly copy-paste.

Overall, Tailwind Stamps is a great development resource that makes it easy to quickly prototype an application user interface and have a consistent look and feel throughout your product. If you'd like to contribute to the library or want to check out the project you can view their GitHub repo here.

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