TailGrids Free Core Version

TailGrids Free Core Version

Kit information


Free Tailwind CSS UI Components - Crafted for modern websites, landing pages, and web apps. TailGrids Core is free and open-source so, feel free to use it with your personal or commercial projects.

Github Info
0 open issues
139 stars
4 watching
6 forks
Fully Responsive
Open Source
Developer Friendly
Copy-paste Ready

About the kit

TailGrids is a library of high-quality Tailwind CSS UI components and blocks. Crafted for modern websites, landing pages, and web apps. Comes with all essential UI components & elements, consistent design, copy-paste UI building tool, and everything you can expect from a top-notch UI library.

The free core version comes with tons of free UI components along with all core components. Feel free to use it with your personal or commercial projects.

💙 Support

If you would like to show your support and love, don't forget to give the project a star. 🌟 If you like the library consider purchasing the Pro version

🎁 License

TailGrids Core Version is 100% Free! and open-source you can use it with your personal or commercial projects.

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