

Kit information


Ready-to-use Tailwind CSS blocks.

Github Info
24 open issues
6798 stars
140 watching
625 forks
High resolution
Well documented
Dark mode enabled
Color variations
Open source
Last updated

About the kit


  • 60+ Blocks
  • Responsive
  • Dark Mode Support
  • Color Variations
How to use this project
This project provides multiple blocks built using Tailwind CSS that you can use in your own projects. This project is not a dependency that you add to your project but instead provides you with HTML that you can easily copy and paste into your own project.

To use the project:

  1. Go to the Tailblocks
  2. Select a block that you would like to use.
  3. Choose a color from the color palette for the block you selected.
  4. Select whether you would like to use light or dark mode with the dark/light toggle button.
  5. Click the "View Code" button.
  6. Copy/paste into your project.
  7. 🎉


Code released under the MIT license.

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