

Kit information


Tail-kit is a free and open source components and templates kit fully coded with Tailwind css 2.0.

Github Info
12 open issues
2048 stars
28 watching
257 forks
Well documented
Open source
Copy-paste ready

About the kit

Tail-kit is a Free and Open Source Tailwind UI kit. It does not change or add any CSS and only uses the utility classes already packaged with TailwindCSS 2.0. It features multiple HTML elements that can be used in all web projects.


The Tailwind Starter Kit comes with 230+ Fully Coded CSS elements.


Tailwind Starter Kit contains many templates like dashboards, landing pages, login pages etc. All are fully Coded and ready to copy-paste.

Live code editor

Tailwind-kit includes a live code editor to change the components code and see in live the modification.

Dark mode

Most components and templates are implemented with a light and dark version, with the new dark mode 2.0 feature of Tailwind CSS.


The documentation for the Tailwind-kit is hosted on their website.


  • Copyright 2022 Charlie Rabiller
  • Licensed under MIT

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