

Template information


StartupBolt is a Next.js boilerplate built with Tailwind CSS and designed for rapid SaaS development. It includes pre-built modules like authentication, payment integration, SEO, and dark mode, allowing entrepreneurs to launch their products rapidly.

Rapid setup process
Stripe integration
Dark mode support
Protected routes
Lifetime updates

About the template

StartupBolt is a powerful Next.js boilerplate designed to help SaaS founders and developers launch their projects with speed and efficiency. Built with technologies like Tailwind CSS, Supabase, ShadCN, and Stripe, it takes care of essential features such as authentication, payment integrations, protected routes, and SEO optimization—all out of the box.

Whether you're a solo entrepreneur, a technical founder, or a freelancer, StartupBolt simplifies the process of building landing pages, integrating payments, and setting up database connections. With its modular design, you can quickly adapt the code to your unique business needs and focus on developing your product's core features.


  • Technologies: Built using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Supabase, and ShadCN.
  • Payment Integrations: Supports Stripe and LemonSqueezy for seamless transactions.
  • SEO Optimized: Pre-configured to rank well in search engines and improve accessibility.
  • Customizable Design: Tailwind CSS-powered theming with dark mode support.
  • Rapid Deployment: Launch-ready in under 30 minutes with detailed documentation.
  • Lifetime Access: Includes updates and premium support for a one-time payment.
StartupBolt is ideal for technical founders eager to accelerate their product launches without getting bogged down by repetitive tasks. It's your go-to tool for faster launches, smoother workflows, and a more efficient startup journey.

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