Shopify Starter

Shopify Starter

Template information


Nextjs + Tailwind CSS + Shopify Starter

Github Info
0 open issues
186 stars
10 watching
42 forks
High resolution
Well documented
Shopify integration
Last updated

About the template

This is a fully functional eCommerce store that uses Next.js + Tailwind CSS in the front end and leverages the Shopify Storefront API to interact with your Shopify backend.

It uses GraphQL to query Shopify data and store the cart information in localStorage to persist user sessions. It also uses Shopify Checkout to let the user purchase the items. You can see this play out in the example store. The store in the preview is actually functional and you can buy the stickers listed there.

The Tech

  • Next.js + Tailwind CSS
  • GraphQL
  • localStorage to persist user session
  • Shopify
  • Vercel
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Josefin Sans Google Font

For more information and to learn how to use it check out the GitHub page.

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