

Template information


Dive into the neumorphic trend with Neudash, an extensive HTML dashboard template crafted with Tailwind CSS that offers both light and dark modes.

Lifetime free updates
Customer support
Multiple dashboards
Light & dark modes
Fully responsive
Well documented

About the template

Neudash reinvents dashboard aesthetics with its neumorphic design, a modern style that brings a tactile, embossed feel to the digital interface. The template is built with HTML and Tailwind CSS and is integrated with Gulp & Browsersync for an easy development experience. 

With a variety of prebuilt pages, including specialized dashboards for medical, smart home, and automotive applications, Neudash is a versatile toolkit for developers and a great option if you're looking for a unique design that can streamline your workflow.


  • Neumorphic Design: A fresh, sensory approach to user interfaces, offering a distinctive look and feel.
  • Versatile Dashboards: Tailored layouts for medical, home automation, and automotive sectors.
  • Light & Dark Modes: Accommodates user preferences for optimal visibility and aesthetics.
  • Comprehensive Pages: From auth to settings, and profiles to a beautiful landing pageā€”all matching the unique neomorphic style.
  • Ready Components: A library of elements to construct your ideal pages efficiently.

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