Neat Starter

Neat Starter

Template information


Starter Template for Netlify CMS, Eleventy, Alpine JS & Tailwind CSS

Github Info
0 open issues
202 stars
5 watching
57 forks
High resolution
Well documented
Open source
Netlify CMS integration

About the template

Neat Starter is a A minimalist starter template built with Eleventy, Alpine.js and Tailwind. The Starter Template is fully integrated with Netlify CMS and ready to deploy.

Technologies used:

Getting Started

Detailed instructions are available in Surjith's blog. Check it out

1. Clone this Repository

git clone

2. Navigate to the directory

cd neat-starter

3. Install dependencies

npm install

4. Build the project to generate the first CSS

This step is only required the very first time.
npm run build

5. Run Eleventy

npm run start


Surjith S M ( @surjithctly )

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